Just Joshing: November 24, 2010

Josh Ouellette

By Josh Ouellette

Week one of CIF is over, now it’s the quarterfinals. Through grit, laying it all on the line, and maybe some luck the best eight teams in the Mid Valley and Southeast divisions are set in stone. After Friday night it will be the final four. As a sports fan you really can’t ask for anything more. 

This is when we get to witness pure football and it is going to be gory, messy, and glorious all at once. Needless to say I am not the only one who is excited about this.

I know for Mr. Joe Torosian this time of the season is his Christmas gift. 

I know the parents and fans are excited. Like I have said before watching the playoffs creates an opportunity to watch something epic.

I know for sure the players are. Enough said there.

I know for sure the coaches are. All their hard work and love for the game is paying off. 

With all this excitement it is easy to lose focus on every aspect of life. So with Thanksgiving on Thursday I wanted to do a list of all the people I am thankful to. I know Joe has done this before but it’s my turn now. 

I am thankful for my family first and foremost and they will always come first for me. 

I am thankful for my friends who help can make my day with a joke or a kind act when I am tired of the monotony of school, work, and everything going on in life.

I am thankful for the great country I live in. We are truly lucky to live here in America and be free from tyranny.

I am thankful for the fact that I will get to see a great football game between Village Christian and Rosemead on Friday after a hefty Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday night.

I am thankful for Joe T. for giving the amazing experience and opportunity of writing for The Mid. 

I am thankful to Tim Peterson for giving me some great games, along with the occasional “dog with fleas,” to go to every week. 

I am thankful to Duane Barker for being the calm and resounding voice of the office on Friday nights while Joe is tucked away in his office. If it weren’t for Duane the show literally wouldn’t go on. 

I am thankful for Andy Villanueva for letting me whine to him about my Mighty Hammers of the English Premier League. 

I am thankful for Big George for being the only person in the office who can whoop my butt. And he’s always good for a full moon. 

I am thankful for Jonathan Saller for being another Temple City guy and for getting the blurbs up.

I am thankful for Big Tony and his constant knowledge of the players and the game.

I am thankful for Josh Lowden. Mostly for keeping me from being the youngest guy at the office, but also for being a good friend, even if he did attend the Monrovia. 

I am thankful for all of you who are faithful to the Mid Valley. For this I am most thankful for. Without all of you this wouldn’t be possible. You all make working at The Mid worth every minute.

Happy Thanksgiving everybody!

See you on Friday night.

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