Just Joshing: December 3, 2010

Josh Ouellette

By Josh Ouellette

So what’s up with all of these college players getting paid off? I know I may be a little late to the party on this one but I have been having some mixed feelings on this issue for a little while now.

I have a hard time blaming the players completely. If someone was dangling a better life for me and my family in front of my face, I would have a hard time not taking it. Even if I knew it was wrong in some ways.

I find it incredibly easy to blame the people paying them off. Sure they may be helping out the player’s family. But they have to know they’re doing wrong. They’re taking advantage of young men to make their own agendas shine through.

This is ridiculous.

We should give them what they already receive, a free education. Even for the greats, a chance to go to the NFL.

What I don’t get is how players and agents haven’t learned that this is a huge mistake. After Reggie Bush this should never happen again. Especially after Cam Newton, whose actions happened before Bush was burned.

So the message to the world should be that players shouldn’t take this money because the world is never free. I know there’s not a lot of division one prospects in the teams we cover. But my fear is for the few that are prospects will fall into this trap.

These agents make me sick. They are ruining a game that is pure. So lets ban the agents. Lets bring the game back to where it all started off. Where the game didn’t have a behind the scenes nobody wanted to see.

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