Fanview Lite: December 12, 2011


Good Morning!

Christmas comes with so much pain…

…Sure there are the poor, the homeless (and I’ve read somewhere that them we will always have), the powerless, the fruitless, the shiftless, the miraculous, the head less, the horse less, the wit less, the gut less, the brain less, the sight less, the guile less, and the love less…but in the face of Christmas and Tim Tebow we are forced to deal with the clueless…

I’m going to say something radical here…something life changing…something sort of profound, something that may make you look at things a bit differently…perhaps…maybe…I hope so…here it goes…

God cares about football games…

Only the clueless…or better put; the ignorant would claim a belief in God and then come back and say; “God doesn’t care about who wins or loses a football game.”


Now if you’re claiming belief in a lower case god…god with a small “G”…No worries…a lower case god probably doesn’t have time to be concerned about everything…but the capital “G” God…can.

If you don’t believe in any higher power, then stop complaining and laugh your kiester off at the rest of us who do.

But if you believe in God…and you believe in that one, sovereign, capital “G” God…creator of the universe who is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent…meaning he can do anything, knows everything, and can be everywhere…then you are ignorant when you say that God does not care about who wins or loses a football game…



Serve the God/god you choose…I serve this Christian God…I believe he is the one true God…I believe he is all of those three “O’s”…and if he isn’t then I don’t want to serve him.

If he’s not interested in every part of my life, then its a waste of my time to serve him.

And if he truly is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent he is going to be involved in every aspect of my life…Including sports.

As in other activities and endeavors, sports matures the individual. It gives us a birth, life, death experience that allows us to learn and apply to our real lives.

If God can teach through victory, he will teach through victory. If he can teach through a loss, he will teach through a loss. If it’s endurance, I learn endurance. It it’s patience, I learn patience. If it’s passion and sacrifice, I learn passion and sacrifice.

Somebody challenge me on this…Some sore-kneed, large gut, graying former athlete tell me there weren’t life lessons learned through athletic competition? Tell me where you learned to get back up again after being knocked down?

Does sport cover all this? No, it is just part of the fabric of our lives…A life that God cares about in every aspect.

He cares about how you act when stuck in line at the DMV…He cares how you react when you are cut off on the freeway…And he cares how you react, how you learn, and what you can garner for your life through athletic competition.

God cares folks….Walking down the street, going to the ATM, or mowing the lawn.

God cares…and if he gave us his son then I know he’s got nothing better to do and nothing more important to him than us.

The Dude abides…


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