Colony Tournament 2024

Colony hosted their annual passing league tournament Saturday. Gardena Serra beat Etiwanda to win the Gold Finals and Jurupa Hills beat Diamond Ranch in the Silver bracket (consolation). UPDATE: There was an altercation with a few minutes left in the Jurupa Hills-Diamond Ranch game. Brian Zavala, Colony head coach and Tournament Director, ended the game at that point. However since Jurupa Hills was up at the time of the altercation, Zavala declared Jurupa Hills the winner and presented them with the plaque. Here are a few images from the action.

3 Comments to "Colony Tournament 2024"

  1. Anonymous's Gravatar Anonymous
    June 16, 2024 - 8:12 pm | Permalink

    Long day called off by an end of tournament fight. Keep these things moving. They don’t want to be there all day. Same thing happens at AAU tournaments. The longer the day, the more likely for fights and unnecessary injuries.

  2. Low Profile's Gravatar Low Profile
    June 16, 2024 - 4:26 pm | Permalink

    I understand that. I’m saying it’s a low standard and doesn’t teach kids the right things . I wasn’t there so maybe circumstances but a passing league trophy isn’t worth losing composure.

  3. Low Profile's Gravatar Low Profile
    June 16, 2024 - 7:16 am | Permalink

    How can you award them with a winners plaque when the game ends in a fight ? Double DQ in any CIF contest .
    From T. Peterson: It’s not s CIF sanctioned contest. The Tournament Director makes the call.

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