Fanview Lite: August 7, 2009

"We went dancing, across the USA.."

"We went dancing, across the USA.."

“The Across America Edition”

Good Morning!

T-minus-35  until “The Mid Valley Classic”

Driving into New York yesterday I looked to the west and saw something I’ve never seen before…I can tell you it wasn’t corn…It wasn’t farm land…after 2,500 miles I’ve seen plenty of that…

It wasn’t a really cool truck stop featuring showers, a diner, a chapel, and every other necessity possible under the sun…

I looked to the west and I didn’t see a truck, I didn’t see Cleveland, and I didn’t see a state trooper hiding ready to pop somebody with a ticket…

What I saw was an extremely large dark, dark cloud, spinning its way down from the sky…to its right a very narrow dark, dark cloud had already touched down…


Then of course it became clear…tornado…%#!*&#!! TORNADO!!!

Oh yeah, and there is an accident up ahead so the interstate, the interstate I’m paying for at every toll crossing, is backed up and not moving…

I’m sure the twisters took this into account, I’m sure they paused, I’m sure they said to themselves “lets not scare those people from California”…

The wife is aware, the daughters are not…I’m trying to play it cool and not over react…but then again it’s a blanking tornado and I’m stuck in traffic…

I understand things could be worse…I could have been foolish enough to illegally cross the North Korean border, I could be a San Francisco 49er fan waiting for Michael Crabtree to sign…but I’m not…I’m waiting to die either by cyclone or heart attack…

Suddenly the traffic loosens, we start to move…and I punch it soon as I get an opening…

I’ll take a ticket, I’ll even take an earthquake, but I’m not going out by tornado…Homey don’t play that, as an old friend would say…

On the other hand outside of the American Recovery Act narrowing lanes and holding things up, Buffalo was okay…Upstate New York was drop dead gorgeous and surprisingly very affordable, then again when the temperature drops below 10 in October, housing prices will level off…

Currently in Boston, drove a toll road with no exits all the way in from the New York border…Kind of wondering what that does to the rest of the state’s economy but hey, its Kerry Country…

Stay thirsty my friends…

Fanview Lite appears Monday thru Saturday here at

Fanview, the HD version, appears every Tuesday at is currently running “The Curious Case of Wally Longshire” during the month of August.

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