Kick it!
Overs and Unders on how soon Kentucky will have to vacate its title?
I doubt it will happen…Greatest and most clarifying quote about the NCAA came years ago from Jerry Tarkanian; “The NCAA is so mad at Kentucky its going to add two years probation onto Cleveland State.”
The Mission Valley League appeal is today.
Rosemead HC Marc Paramo says; “Strap it up!”
Whittier Christian’s Matt Hearn chose Rocky Mountain College in Montana because of its exceptional pre-med program…But it also probably didn’t hurt to say he might have a chance to play some tight end.
When we first heard the Kurt Scoby to Duarte rumors a while back we thought it would be a good deal for the Falcons. Then I saw Scoby’s highlight film…The only thing I could think of, if all goes according to Hoyle and Scoby is in a Falcon uniform this fall, is this is a bomb going off in the Montview.
Duarte would have been a contender in the Montview and a playoff team without Scoby, with him they are a nightmare for opponents…including Monrovia.
Former San Gabriel trenchman Luis Gamino will be playing a combination of TE/FB/HB for Pasadena City College next season.
I have a feeling a lot of people are going to be working for M-Town’s Mason Bryant a few years down the road…Dude can bring it, and I’m not just talking about football. Very impressive.
“I’m really excited,” said former San Gabriel and East Los Angeles College receiver Manny Rodriguez about playing at La Verne this September. “It’s great to keep playing and maybe have somebody see you. I mean, if Cedric Ho can play in France…”
I didn’t say it, but I’ve heard others say it. And what have they said? “El Monte quarterback Brandon Martinez might be the most dangerous man in the Mid-Valley.”
No offense to fans of Blue Oyster Cult but I really haven’t been living to be giving the Devil is due…except in this case.
Mid Valley staffer Andy Villathedevil finally made good on our 2011 pre-season bet when I said Pasadena would make the playoffs…Villathedevil said they wouldn’t…I won…and yesterday I collected my steak & lobster dinner from Northwoods Inn.
Thank you Randy Horton, Michael McKay, & Brandon Cox.
“We’re gonna beat Muir and win the Pacific this year,” said Horton. “So make that bet again.”
Last Add Horton: No offense Coach Horton, but steak & lobster is $55.00 a plate at Northwoods…so it might be too rich for blood…Also Villathedevil won’t be chump enough to bet against Brandon Cox twice.
Last Add Duarte: I have a feeling Joe Scherf’s 26-0 Montview record since taking over at Azusa is in peril.
Temple City quarterback Mikal Quintanilla, twenty pounds lighter with help from a throat infection, has looked good throwing the ball at Legends of Character workouts.
Really Last Duarte: I think the Falcons may have had the best off season.
Speaking of Azusa: “I’m really going to miss them (Azusa) if they go,” said San Dimas HC Bill Zernickow about the pending departure of the Montview League to the Northwest Division.
Coach Z. says he welcomes all challenges in regards to the realignment process but did bring up something else. “We’re talking about the cost for transportation but what’s going to be affected is the gate. Attendance is going to suffer from one of those out of area playoff games and that is part of the money that helps fund ASB and other on campus groups.”
The Dude abides…
Jeremiah 14:22
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