Tag Archives: Jerry Rice

The Peterson Principle: 10/13/14

By Tim Peterson I owe several apologies after last week. I’m glad betting high school football is illegal. I would have lost my shirt. I’ve missed on my picks before but this week was over the top. The sorry list is long so here we go…

The Peterson Principle 8/27/12

You can use all the cliches. It was a game that had a little bit of everything. It’s a shame somebody had to lose. Both teams left everything on the field. They showed a lot of heart. It was what high school football is all about. But in the case of the Smudgepot game last […]

The Peterson Principle 7/27/10

Sometimes you just go with the flow. The wife asks you go to a musical; you go, shut your mouth and have a good time. The girlfriend wants you to go see a “chick flick”; you grin, bear it and make the best of it. It’s not worth the hassle and it will pay dividends […]