“We have full confidence in Paul (Schilling), he’s an experienced football coach who knows the heritage of CV football, is well aware of the present and is prepared to move our football program into the future as well.”—Crescenta Valley Principal Linda Evans in Fanview; 3/31/2010
Kick it!
Right off the top: The Raiders are going to love St. Louis.
What would you do if there was no more football? I’m not asking in some apocalyptic/concussions-destroy-the-game aspect. I’m asking what sport would you gravitate to?
I like baseball, but baseball versus football is like having steak one night and high end eggplant parmesan the next. Both excellent, but both satisfying in a different manner. Basketball? Nope, I’ve kinda sworn off fast food.
One game to win their prime who do you take? Warren Moon or Ken Stabler? Leave a comment, vote in our poll.
Speaking of poll’s, I left the Pete Rose poll up for 12 full days…and was skunked by a 4-to-1 margin by those believing he belongs in the Hall of Fame. Being a committed INTJ I will stick to my long time assertion that he SHOULD NOT be in the Hall of Fame…
“The Dowd Report,” the result of an investigation by lawyer John M. Dowd, set out to prove that Rose did in fact bet on baseball games. In his research, Dowd found that Rose was betting on approximately five to ten games every day in basketball, football, hockey and baseball, at about $2,000 a game. In one month, Rose lost more than $67,000, and he was often deeply in debt to bookies — at one point, he owed a Staten Island bookie $200,000. Dowd handed over his research to Giamatti in May 1989. It was comprised of 225 pages and seven volumes of exhibits, which included bank and telephone records, alleged betting records, and transcripts of interviews with Rose and other witnesses.”—Katherine LaGrave, “Sports Cheat Sheet” 3/17/2015
Something tells me Jameis Winston is going to be just fine…And believe me, that “something” is different than the something that told me the Seahawks were going to blowout the Patriots in the Super Bowl.
I wish former La Puente/Workman/Damien HC Scott Morrison well at Corona Santiago…but I have a feeling he’s walking the Green Mile out there. And sometimes the Green Mile isn’t very long at all.
Thought the Christian Laettner “30 For 30” was pretty good. I never hated him, but I did dislike the Fab Five for a while.
In regards to Dodger pitching prospect Zach Lee: What happened to him?
In regards to the Walking Dead: Really disappointed in the season finale.
In regards to Survivor: Since the majority of the cast has all the skills of participants in an MTV reality series, I believe Tyler Frederickson should make it to the finals.
In regards to Lester Hayes: Yeah, why isn’t he in the Hall of Fame?
In regards to APU: What is the timetable until they go 1AA?
The Dude abides…
Psalms 90:12
Contact Joe at joe@midvalleysports.com
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