[El Monte] – Mountain View named their new head coach, Paul Rodriguez former Viking defensive coordinator, this week. Could he be the guy to take the View to playoffs or have a winning record? Either one would be the first in 23 seasons.
Frank Alonzo was the last Mountain View head coach to lead the Vikings to the playoffs – in 1997 a first round loss to Montebello. Since then Mt. View has managed just two 5-5 seasons and a overall record of 54-163-1.
But why? Arroyo and El Monte had recent championship seasons with the same kids, South El Monte has had a few semi-final appearances and Rosemead is back to being a playoff team. Even Gabrielino pulled out a few playoff appearances in the early 2000’s and Marshall had a 6-4 record just four seasons ago.
Coach Alonzo had talent like Carlos Polanco, Armando Beltran and Frank Hernandez and James Wilson had Leander Benjamin, Jose Zamora and Josymar Ulloa. Victor Romero (Ambruso) pulled out a 5-5 season and had several 1,000 yard rushers.
Being an alum I know there is talent at the school. View has had multiple league MVPs in baseball, basketball and soccer, three CIF championship soccer teams and players drafted to MLB.
So why not The View?
Get Back Coach…Just because kids can legally use open enrollment to go to Arroyo doesn’t mean one of your buddies didn’t talk to them prior to enrolling. So is your new head coach daddy going to let you be chain gang and assistant to the assistant?
Haha bloody knee who Reyes was! He showed up at Arroyo and as Daddy Reyes told the story the varsity coaches from Mt View went to his house lol no one from Arroyo cried over it because like I said no one even knew who he was. Still waiting for any names that Arroyo recruited?? This the MVL where everyone knows everyone so it should be easy to name off kids?? Kids come to Arroyo because these other programs can’t get out of their own way!! Open enrollment is way different than giving free room and board fellas! Still waiting………….
Just because they don’t recruit kids from Vegas doesn’t mean they don’t recruit. In district recruiting counts. Bro, I was there after our freshman game when coaches approached us and told us to come to Arroyo. You’re either a flat out liar or so much of an Arroyo peon that they don’t tell you anything.
Tried to get Reyes. But who cares. It’s really the kids choosing where theyre going to go.
You sound like that crybaby from Rosemead.
Wow, coaches housing players, recruiting left and right and now redshirt seniors, what else is left for that staff to do
Name one kid Arroyo recruited in the last decade? I’ll wait for your response…………..
Quality for quality? You’re kidding right? I hope Leonardo’s wasn’t dumb enough to change OC’s. Elias has 2 years as a OC at Schurr and led a dormant offense that got shut out by a city section team.
How am I off about EM? You guys had Cuevas who was pretty good. Then you add a once in a decade type player in Booth a nightmare system to play against when run correctly especially with two capable backs. You did have a player granted a 5th year of eligibility right? Then you go out and add Reyes who lets be honest here he was a hired gun. So I think I’m pretty spot on talking about EM. To answer your questions Singiser and or Spathias would do well in that job. Especially Spathias who has taken on that type of job already at Bassett HS and Workman. Mt. View should’ve reached to him for sure but I doubt they did. Great article btw keep them coming.
You men that live your life through football better think again. If you believe public schools are going to allow young men to exchange bodily fluids (Spitting,coughing,bleeding) all over the football field and sidelines I gotta bridge to sell you. And full grandstands ? Entrance only by taking a blood test and sitting 10 ft. apart with a mask on and definitely no shouting or cheering.Maybe have your future NFL’er learn chess where he can play over the internet.
It would be very interesting to see what a Spathias or Singiser would do at the View. My opinion is they would do just fine. I think the names carries enough clout to keep kids from leaving via open enrollment also it would bring out those soccer players early enough to be coached up into good football players.
Friday knights, aside from your sarcasm I actually agree with you about hiring a complete staff. But a good HC already knows the importance of quality assistants so the key is hiring the head of a program.
And how’s this for reality, SEMs Frank Gallardo once again fired all of his assistant coaches. That makes it three years in a row he will have a whole new staff. I also hear Rosemead is adding good coaches to its staff. Also in somewhat of a shock I hear Long time Arroyo Offensive Coordinator Chris McMillin is being replaced by Coach Elias formerly of Schurr HS. Gotta hand it to Arroyo, the replace quality with quality. Back to MTView, this the perfect time to start laying your foundation.
Get Back Coach is Back! And as a usual, he’s being a bozo. Arroyo, pound for pound, has been recruiting for many many years. And I’m not sure why you feel the need to bash people on this thread. You’re a lost cause assistant to the assistant.
It would be fun to see a real coach and their staff at MV. I think Sing or C would do what Sanchez did at EM. Take their lumps when talent sucks and take care of business when they have the horses.
You’re a lot off about El Monte but it’s all good. But I have a question, what do you think a Singiser, Coach C or even a Spat would do at View?
Oh she’s back. Fifth year senior LBs? Hahaha! Difference between recruiting and kids wanting to come and here. But you’re right about one thing those once in a decade kids like Booth, Tovar and Camacho aren’t showing to MV. I would like to see what a Ceniceros, Singiser, Bogan type would do as a hc there.
Get out there and recruit the Jets.
Why not the View??? Hmmm let me see… let’s count the ways here. Well for starters how about investing in a coaching staff! Not just a HC but a real bonafide coaching staff. With a a good staff you’ll develop the players that are in your program and are in the field. That alone will get you to the playoffs every couple of years. Stop focusing on the players you don’t have, coach up the ones you do have and as the saying goes if you build it they will come. Every team in the SGV wants a Booth Tovar or Camacho, those kids come around rarely. But Johnny and Tony are in your program every year and are begging to be coached up. EM was a built differently than other MVL teams not hating just keeping real here you had a decent back in Cuevas then you add Booth then you add 5th year senior LBs and go out get a Reyes from Arroyo/Mt View/los Altos I don’t remember a MVL team ever recruiting like that. In all probability MV couldn’t do that anyway. Hire a good HC hire a good solid staff and out coach the Gallardos and Sanins Castenedas it isn’t rocket science. Hell Gallardo at SEM fires his staff every year and you see the direction that program is heading in. Kids and parents want consistency and just want a shot. If freaking Marshall can make the playoffs there’s no excuse Vikings. Get yo shhh together!
Agree 100 percent! This is great article to a question I’ve asked before. Why?? You are correct when you say the really talented kids aren’t every year. Those kids you mention only come around every few years. Booth Cogburn Tovar Sumlers are not the answer to the question. The answer has got to be the guys just under the radar. Take EM championship team… We know Booth but they also had several guys who most people don’t outside of EM don’t know that really balled out. Reyes was huge the two inside LBs were tackling machines Cuevas really took big pressure off Booth. Arroyo on they’re championship team was so deep they lost kids to suspension and still were able to pull it out. SEMs semi final run team I would argue was pretty much 1 or two kids and they couldn’t get over the hump because of it. Mt View not only needs those once every few years but it needs those middle of the pack players to stay and play as well. Either way it’s gonna take a grass roots movement from a good head coach to convince the players and parents that the Vikings can offer a championship team.
Yes, totally but my point was those two guys transferred in. MV will never have those kinds of kids come in.
MV does have tough guys but they’re also lazy, undisciplined and irresponsible. Give me 11 cholos on defense and we are lights out. The trick is, can you keep them out of trouble and keep their grades up? Probably not.
MV has potential. I hope their new coach and kids understand that. Good luck Vikes.
That could be said for any team that has had success if their stud went to another school. Which could be because this district is open. But yeah they were studs and huge parts of the team.
But this is a MV story and I agree with a lot of what you wrote. But MV also probably has some of the toughest kids. And yes I want to see good things happen, these write ups are by no means bashing MV but hopefully some of those kids read these and want to break the losing streak and will go out for football.
Commenter SoCal hit the nail right on the head. Take a look at the ‘administration’ of Germany in the thirties, for example, and you’ll quickly understand why things unfolded like they did. Maybe MVS should tell us when a school changes principals….that would be more substantive news.
Well there’s Mission Valley League good and SGV good. Without Booth, EM is MVL good. Maybe still league champs. With Booth, they are SGV good. Add the other transfer Reyes and forget about it they have a squad.
Right now, MV has no chance. The game changers like Rivera or BMart or Tovar will never set foot on campus. And if by some miracle they do (Reyes) they will transfer out. They can’t convince athletes on campus to come out because “the team sucks” and they don’t want to be embarrassed. I would love to see a high profile coach go there and start from the bottom. That’s what Sanchez did at EM. They were basically MV before he got there. He had some bad years but also some good years. Talents always wins out. That’s why Arroyo had the squads back then. And why Rosemead had their runs back in the day. I’m not saying those guys couldn’t coach but having the horses makes all the difference. MV students, as a whole, are probably the poorest kids in the league. That plays also. If you don’t think it does you are crazy.
Honestly, I would love to see good things happen at MV. Good luck to those guy.
Oh my bad Tim..correction booth! I doubt their are any kids with booths talents walking around MT views campus
I’ve always only heard Coach C give credit to everyone else. Average idk about that EM had some dudes.
It’s simple. Any kid coming up through the Jets ranks that can ball will be pushed and pulled away from MV. They will never get a stud Jets kid. MV has had nothing to offer kids that can play football. Why go there and get your behind handed to you every week? It’s going to take someone to start from the bottom. Take your lumps but get better every year and work with what you have on campus. Good luck coach, you will need it. And I don’t mean that in a bad way. EM’s coach can take credit for their success but without Booth they are average.
And those kids are athletes why aren’t they on the football field. Coaches like Coach C goes out there and talks to kids on campus, that’s how we got Darlin last year kid had never seen football and was a outstanding LB for us, he got coached up and became a player. Simon Cho this year never played football was a basketball player All League and CIF tackle for us.
Those guys come along every few years, Sumler, Rivera, Cogburn, Tovar. But those schools always find a way to win without them.
Same kids? When has MT view had a kid like both lol
From T. Peterson: Both?
Kids in that area grow up playing Soccer, Baseball and Basketball. They don’t play football until their freshman year or later. MV rarely gets any Pop Warner kids with football experience and that always puts them a couple of steps behind.
May as well hire a comedian. Maybe he can entertain at half time. We need a few chuckles.
This is why not the View, it all starts at the top(principal). If you have bad leadership you will eventually fail like in any business, government entity, and education. I heard from the previous head coach that they had some great candidates but would not make adjustments to bring them on because football is not important to the view. That is why not the View,