Who’s In, Who’s Out? Spring Football Arrives

steve bogan

Maranatha’s hiring of Steve Bogan (left) might have made the biggest splash of the head coaching hires

With the weather warming up and schools getting ready to throw the ball it’s a sure sign that Spring football has arrived. The high school kids may not be in full gear like Azusa Pacific, but passing league in shirts and shorts is a big part of every program these days.

With the action fast approaching, we wanted to make sure all the head coaching positions have been nailed down. It’s been a busy off season but for the most part they have. In the three divisons as they are currenty configured (Northwest, Southeast and Mid-Valley) there has been 15 head coaching changes overall. Temple City is the only local job still open. Here’s what we have so far.


Mid-Valley Division 

Rio Hondo  

Monrovia: Out – Ryan Maddox, In- Chris Stevens

La Canada: Out- James Sims, In- Ramsey Lambert

Temple City: Out- Mike MacFarland, In – ?


San Gabriel: Out – J.D. Thompson, In- Joe Ledesma

Valle Vista

Wilson: Out- Nick Christos, In- Greg Gano

Baldwin Park: Out- Chris Williams, In- Daniel Al-gattas


Southeast Division    

Del Rio

California: Out- Jim Arnold, In- Kyle Trudell


Diamond Bar: Out- Ryan Maine, In- Marcus Hughes


Burbank: Out- Hector Valencia, In-Richard Broussard

San Gabriel Valley 

Warren: Out-Gilbert Jimenez, In- Raul Lara


Northwest Division   


Duarte: Out- Jason Martin, In- Travis Brown


Maranatha: Out – Jude Oliva, In- Steve Bogan

Village Christian: Out- Jay Schroeder, In- Mark Bates


Oak Park: Out-Terry Shorten, In-Tim Kenney

Nordhoff: Out – Tony Henney, In – ?


If we’re missing anybody let us know at tim@midvalleysports.com or joe@midvalleysports.com


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