By Tim Peterson
(La Puente) – Oscar Robles, who was the head coach at Workman last year, was named the head football coach at Nogales Robles confirmed.
Robles, who was an assistant at Northview under Marcel Perez before taking over at Workman last year, led the Lobos to an overall record of 4-7. Workman fell in the first round of the CIF Division 13 playoffs to Santa Clara.
Robles takes over for Richard Salazar who led Nogales to a record of 10-2 and a first round playoff victory. Nogales lost in the second round of the Division 13 playoffs to Silver Valley. Salazar took the head coaching job at Fullerton.
“I feel really good. I’m excited to get going with the kids and everyone on campus. It has been a great environment so far,” Robles said. “I’m Excited about the new opportunities and challenges that await in a new chapter in my life.”
@ SGV: I appreciate your reply.
I believe that the voters in the Whittier Union High School District passed a bond measure several years back to pay for those two new stadiums—the one at Pioneer High and another at California High School. I’ve seen Pioneer’s stadium; it’s quite nice.
Those stadiums are pretty lavish by our standards, and I imagine they would even be considered presentable in Texas (where high school football is really big).
Talk about contrasts…
@RV: Respect your response and opinion. I think the adage “a squeaky wheel gets the oil”, is appropriate in fighting for needs of your school. I give you Pioneer as a weird example. Half a century of losing football, a poor community compared to Alhambra and yet they get a beautiful huge stadium (way to big for their fan base) and upgrades throughout the school. No bond votes or strikes just improvement. It makes one wonder why? Please someone go to Alhambra’s next board meeting and find out why just the clocks can’t be fixed while Pioneer gets a multi-million dollar stadium it didn’t need. The money is going somewhere right?
@ SGV: The word “dump” applies strictly to the football facility at Moor Field, but, yeah, at least half the clocks on the Alhambra High campus don’t work at the moment, either. (I’m including the clocks in C & D Buildings, which are only 22 years old.)
The lack of maintenance and repairs is an embarrassment, and the situation didn’t occur overnight. I’d stay silent about it only if I didn’t care.
In my 16 years as a substitute teacher for Alhambra Unified, I’ve frequently seen the disparities between the high schools when it comes to facilities. Mark Keppel and San Gabriel are in a better overall state of repair right now, from classrooms to athletic facilities.
And, that’s great for them; the students, teachers, and staff members at both schools deserve to have the nicest possible facilities. My point is that the people at Alhambra High are just as deserving of a good place to study, work, and play.
I’ve enjoyed teaching at all of the schools in the Alhambra district, and I want everyone to thrive.
I believe that the current disparity in facilities at the high schools is the result of neglect, misplaced priorities, and, sometimes, a lack of money. I stand by my contention that a school district which spends millions of dollars on administration every year should be able to do equally well in providing for all of its campuses.
It shouldn’t cost that much money to fix the clocks at AHS.
Frankly speaking, Mark Keppel High also endured many years of neglect before its facility needs were finally addressed in a comprehensive way starting roughly a decade ago. And, the football facility at Moor Field, where AHS plays, has been a district stepchild for over half a century—for whatever reasons.
As I stated in my previous post, the voters in the Alhambra district passed a high school bond measure in 2016—one which is supposed to include improvements for AHS.
Nothing has happened yet, and we’re still waiting to see if the district will make good on the opportunity to bring the classrooms and athletic facilities at AHS up to a higher standard.
@RV: Pretty ballsy talk from a Alhambra teacher calling the place he works at a dump and a disgrace even if it just the football field. I don’t know how the wealth is distributed among Alhambra District schools but it seems it is generally allocated evenly. You are accusing the District of favoritism at best or fraud and waste at worst. The board will love reading your opinions.
@ Moor: Gradual progress over a three-year period resulted in a playoff berth for Alhambra in 2016. That postseason appearance was our first in five years.
Unfortunately, we took a step backward last season. We lost three winnable games—two of them in league—and fell one game short of making the playoffs again.
We played poorly at home against what turned out to be a mediocre South Pasadena team, and we lost to Montebello and Bell Gardens despite outplaying both schools for considerable stretches. (We were largely done in by turnovers in the latter two games.)
The coaches at AHS appear to be doing as much as they can, but it’s ultimately up to the players to execute on the field. They need to show up—both physically and mentally—for practices as well as games. We had a serious issue with players ditching practice last year.
We’re entering a new season, and I know the staff will do everything in its power to make it a better one. It’s also time for all of the players to step up as a team.
Now, let’s discuss the issue of facilities.
Alhambra’s football program should get some credit for consistently outperforming San Gabriel and Mark Keppel over these last five years, despite our inferior facilities. I’m referring especially to Moor Field.
The Alhambra Unified School District lavishly upgraded the stadium at San Gabriel High in around 2007, and Keppel’s stadium, which has been at least serviceable since 1940, received new seats several years ago.
In contrast, the football facility at Moor Field has been grossly inadequate for decades. I can safely say that it has had quality issues for well over half a century.
The place is a disgrace to the AUSD and the city of Alhambra. I’ve been calling it a dump for years.
Things were considered to be so bad there that AHS played its home games at East L.A. College for roughly 15 years during the 80’s and 90’s. Even now, the “amenities” at Moor Field are dangerously close to being nonexistent.
San Gabriel and Keppel have long had real stadiums, while we at Alhambra have had to settle for temporary bleachers year in and year out.
In 2016, the voters in the AUSD approved a bond measure that is supposed to include funding for new football facilities for Alhambra High. But, given the district’s long history of inaction, I’m going to remain skeptical until I actually see those facilities being built.
There is no hype around Alhambra it’s year 5 with coach Eric and no signs that the program is back to where it used to be or that it will get there.
@Anonymous: Hype? What hype? Speaking for myself, all I’ve ever offered to the public is cautious optimism and honest stats.
If you’re receiving any hype about the Alhambra High varsity football team, you’re clearly getting it from someone else.
However, I look forward to the coming season, when we’ll take on our opponents, one at a time. You’re welcome to join us.
@ron what’s going on with Alhambra football is this the year that you finally live up to the hype.
From T. Peterson: Hype from Alhambra? What hype?
Pretty safe to say TC is either Robles or one of his boys. Just look at this comment:
“Two Heavy Weight coaches going at it. Can’t wait to see Robles vs Williams (Monrovia)”.
Seriously? A first year coach with a 4-7 record in Division 13 is considered a heavy weight coach? I’m all for supporting a young coach and giving him a chance to do his thing, but let’s get serious…Robles is a young buck who hasn’t really been around any elite level programs. He got a job at Workman because of a weak candidate pool and they needed a walk-on. He landed the Nogales gig because he is from the area and has a year of experience as a head coach. With that being said, I hope he does well at Nogales and is able to find some good assistant coaches that he can learn from and incorporate their ideas into the team philosophy. Don’t be one of those head coaches that thinks he’s the smartest guy in the room.
Charter Oak Passing Tournament
ACC Pool
Charter Oak
San Gabriel
Big 10 Pool
Oaks Christian
Corona Santiago
Bell Gardens
Big 12 Pool
St. Francis
Chino Hills
Mira Costa
Mt. West Pool
La Serna
Los Altos
Baldwin Park
SEC Conference
La Habra
Pac 12 Pool
From T. Peterson: Thanks Boss!
@ Tim: Your headline is clever, but you have to deliberately mispronounce either “Nobles” or “Robles” to really make it rhyme. We’re in a fun business, aren’t we?
From T. Peterson: True!
@TC aka Robles, shut up already. No one is buying your crap. Get off the message board and get to work coach.
From T. Peterson: You didn’t detect the sarcasm there? Ha Ha!
Two Heavy Weight coaches going at it. Can’t wait to see Robles vs Williams (Monrovia). Two of the very best offensive minds around. Going to be a battle of the titans!
workman had their qb be all cif this pass season. first all cif in 30 yrs or something i heard. glad we got somethin coming back
Who’s the starting quarterback at Northview this year?
Thanks Coach! Anything on tourny at Charter Oak or tourny at Los Osos?
@ Concerned Parent, Man you gave it 37 minutes. Your’re SHURRly a little thin skinned aren’t you ?
Pools for the Cougar Tournament this Saturday at Rancho Cucamonga High. First game is at 8 am. Come out to support!
Pool A
Rancho Cucamonga
Mountain View
Granite Hills
Pool B
Bishop Amat
Roosevelt (Eastvale)
No way Ziola or Spathias looked into this job. It is a big step down from Los Altos for both. The Nogales administration think they are the best high school in the country, but lack test scores and graduation rates to prove it. The athletic programs are getting better, but when you are in the worse league in the valley that happens. Remember they got dropped for the Valle Vista league because they could not compete.
Yeah, I just noticed the Robles/Nobles headline thing. A couple more like that and we’re talking Pulitzer, Tim.
you mean TRANSFERS?? wow they are openingly saying they are getting transfers and nothing from the peanut gallery? WEIRD, just a week ago people were ready to prosecute the Schurr coaches and slam down the death penalty. guess its not the same thing?
He wasn’t getting the support at Workman. If Nogales is smart they will get out of his way and reap the benefits. I also heard Nogales lost a kid, but apparently at least 5 more are checking in soon from what I’m hearing. Not slap d*cks either, real athletes!
I’m convinced TC is this coach! Cmon man! You can’t be a genus when you only supposively developed ONE qb!!! Small sample size buddy! You did absolutely nothing at Workman! Just let your work do the talking. Good luck this year
He developed Comstock??? I remember watching Comstock dominate for the Covina colts! Why couldn’t he develop a workman QB? I think this guy is getting too much praise and too much criticism
Obviously he’s not an offensive genius or he isn’t the worst hire. Give it time. If Ziola and or Spathias put in for this job then maybe you can criticize this hire but it doesn’t mean he’s a bad coach, but the other two coaches are well respected in the area. But PA is right you can’t lose to the Vikings of Mountain Pooh 55-14 and claim any type of genius.
I noticed and it amused me
Are anyone of these coaches that are moving around parlaying their new assignments into real teaching jobs? I hope so because if not it is a waste.
Nogales best player transferred to Orange High School. Nogales isn’t what it was! You heard it here first.
Lol!! Get out of here already,! If this isn’t Robles, it’s someone close to him. Be quiet, and focus on coaching. Get off the blog. Everybody’s a great coach until there under the gun. Big shoes to fill over there at Nogales, better be ready. Four wins at Workman and your bragging, unreal! Offense of geniuse, with no offense to show for it at Workman last
He’s the one who developed Comstock, Williams just took the credit!
@Prognasticators Anonymous,
You also said Ziola wasn’t a good coach. He only won because of talent. Now you think he should have got this job and you’re calling this hire bad? You’re all over the place dude. And your obsession with Boomer is a little scary. You need to chill out. That or stop sniffing coaches jocks at clinics and then talk smack about them on a blog.
If your calling Northview dominant your dreaming!!! Few league titles ok I will give you that, but they didn’t make a cif final!!!!
wait remind me again what he did at northview? what did he coach that made a huge impacted? cuz i know he wasnt the OC?! how can this kid be a guru… how old is he again?
I go based on facts. Robles was a main factor in Northview’s dominance over the last decade as a player and a coach. Ask Marcel and Chris and see what they say. He took the program at Workman, who we can agree is terrible, to the playoffs in his first season. Doubters keep doubting! The man is going to win rings!!
Another coach who hasn’t even activated his Hudl account and he’s already getting blasted. Let time tell. Nogales is on a good place after the work Richard Salazar did. Workman has never been good…. No one knew who salazar was when he got the Nogales job. No one knew who Ziola was when he got the Los Altos job. No one knew who Beltran was when he took over at La Serna. Let time work its course. Both guys like TC who is anointing Robles as the second coming and guys like Prognosticators Anonymous who is already calling it a bad hire need to chill and let the man coach. Geez.
Last warning to you.
The lengendary ZIOLA got beat out by this guy!!! Hahaha
From T. Peterson: He wasn’t necessarily beat out. They just couldn’t deliver on what he wanted.
All of you just stop acting like childish fools. He’s was hired and let his results at Nogales dictate his success. Great luck to this young man.
If the kids at Workman couldn’t run his system then why try and run that system? Better question is why even accept the job at Workman? Another Boomer, wed be really good if I had premiere athletes??? Lol!
No, just someone who recognizes real talent!!
Sounds like TC is Coach Robles
He walks into a great situation at Nogales with athletes who can run his system. Expect 40-50 pts per game, and a deep run in the playoffs. Maybe brings a title back to Nogales. He’s that talented! My prediction is that he takes over one of the premier programs in Socal at Northview once Marcel retires for coaching in 2 years!
Maybe you didn’t read my comment correctly… he lost 55-14 to the Mountain View Vikings! Workman gets better players than does MV. How much of a genius do you have to be to beat MV?
A coach is only as good as his players and Workman doesn’t get many football players so the isn’t bad condersidering that
Could’ve had Ziola or Spathias
Wrong hire! Good luck to the kid but it’s the wrong hire
Ooookaaaaay! Offensive genius? Cmon guys. He won 4 games in a weak league. He scored 14 vs Mountain View! Yes that MV. Scored 7 vs Azusa 14 vs Gladstone. If he’s an Offensive genius then I’m Luke skywalker
Guessing this happened because out of all candidates, he looked best in a straw hat.
Great hire! He’s an offensive genius.
This will be a stepping stone job like the last one. Maybe 1 or 2 years than start looking for a better school to work for.