We took a poll of area high school head coaches and assistants (past and present) on the outcome of Super Bowl LVIII. We asked them just one question: Who do you like in the Super Bowl? We received 89 responses with one coach that abstained. Out of 88 answers 47 picked the Kansas City Chiefs and 41 went with the San Francisco 49ers. Here’s what we got.
Vinny Lopez- Chiefs
Donald Bernard – 49ers
Adrian Medrano – Chiefs
Anthony Craft – Chiefs
Steve Bogan – Chiefs
Andrew Policky – Chiefs
Arlin Slayton – 49ers
Albert Sanchez – 49ers
Margarito Beltran – 49ers
George Hernandez – 49ers
Matt Villasenor – 49ers
Jim Arellanes – 49ers
Mark Holman – 49ers
Dale Ziola – 49ers
Hector Novoa – Chiefs
Brian Zavala- 49ers
Eric McIntyre – 49ers
Wardell Crutchfield – 49ers
Hector Spathias – Chiefs
Mark Carson – 49ers
Eric Escamilla- Chiefs
Chuck Leonardis – Chiefs
Niko Gonzalez – 49ers
Darryl Thomas- Chiefs
Daniel Al-Gattas – 49ers
Jim Arnold – 49ers
Jesse Ceniceros – 49ers
Joel Sanchez – Chiefs
Josh Ouellette – 49ers
Matt Koffler – Chiefs
Pete Karavedas – Chiefs
Jude Oliva – 49ers
David Ramos – 49ers
Laron Johnson – 49ers
Mike McFarland – Chiefs
Ibis Aguilar – 49ers
Jacob Ochoa – Chiefs
Marc Shettleroe – Chiefs
Mike Maggiore – Chiefs
Mike Moschetti – Chiefs
Leon Ward – Chiefs
Marc Paramo – Chiefs
Michael Gutierrez- Chiefs
Lou Torres – Chiefs
Gil Ruedaflores- Chiefs
Robert Maxie – Chiefs
Jim Singiser – Chiefs
Tip Sanders – Chiefs
Victor Salazar – 49ers
Nick Walker – Chiefs
Mike Mooney- Chiefs
Zeke Prado – 49ers
Ron Jones – 49ers
Ted Clarke – 49ers
Marco Ramirez – 49ers
Ryan Jacobsen -Chiefs
Riley Saxon – 49ers
Chris Fore- 49ers
Anthony Silva – 49ers
Joseph Schirmer – Chiefs
Derek Bedell – 49ers
Manny Lemus – 49ers
Richard Broussard – 49ers
Keith Knoop – 49ers
Jack Williams – 49ers
Kevin Encinas – 49ers
Danny Banzet – Chiefs
Kevin Pearson – Chiefs
Kevin Scott – Chiefs
Chris Williams – Chiefs
Ryan Bateman – 49ers
Pete Gonzalez – Chiefs
Pete Gonzalez Jr. – Chiefs
Matthew Johnson – 49ers
Greg Vaniman – Chiefs
Jose Casagran – Chiefs
Matt Lopez -Chiefs
Jacob Calderon – 49ers
Josh Knight- Chiefs
Frank Gallardo – 49ers
Mike Minter – Chiefs
James Heggins – Chiefs
Marcel Perez -49ers
Don Cayer – 49ers
Paul Rodriguez- Chiefs
Travis Brown – Chiefs
Roddy Layton – I will watch and appreciate the greatness of both teams.
Note: If you are coaching high school football currently or have in the past and would like to make your Super Bowl pick please respond here with a message or send me an e mail at tim.midvalleysports@gmail.com. I can also be reached on Twitter @tspeterson40. I’d be happy to add you to the list.
@FBFan, Yep. Lara over at LB Poly and his (if I recall correctly)peak roster of 18-21 D-I prospects would be equivalent to Los Alamitos or Missions Viejo in a given year–i.e., mere participants in the modern D-1 playoff division.
Kevin Pearson is now a helpful Honda guy, and I’ve got him over this Sunday to paint my house, so he’ll have to make do with score updates during his water breaks.
One funny thing of note here is that the coache’s picks seem to match their styles. Most of the spread air it out coaches are leaning towards Chiefs and most of the ground and pound coaches are leaning towards 9ers.
To think that Roddy Layton used to be considered the promoting/recruiting type back in the 2000’s. He would be considered tame in today’s landscape.
When asked his opinion about going for two vs one.
Roddy Layton said he enjoys any kind of scoring.
Mahomes Sr gets another DWI. This might after the outcome of the game. Last time the Chiefs lost the head coach’s son killed someone in a DWI accident. Family members the F… things up.
When asked his opinion of the torrential downpour we’ve been getting in SoCal, Roddy Layton said he enjoys all kinds of weather.