Tag Archives: Odell Beckham Jr.

The Peterson Principle: 12/26/2016

By Tim Peterson It wasn’t so much that the Rams lost to the 49ers last Saturday. They were 4-10 coming in and for all intents and purposes the game was meaningless. But it was the way they lost.

NFL Talk: 7/6/2015

By Tim Peterson Sometimes the injuries suffered off the field are worse than the ones on. Owners and coaches always cringe when they hear one of their players was hurt while playing pick-up basketball, or riding a motorcycle.

The Peterson Principle: 11/24/2014

Have you seen the numbers of the last three quarterbacks at El Rancho? Well if not here you go. 2014- Andrew Perea: 3103 total yards, 34 touchdowns; 2013 – Ryan Araujo: 2558 total yards, 17 TD; 2012- Joey Sanchez: 3184 total yards, 39 TD.