Tag Archives: Jim Mora

The Peterson Principle: 11/20/2017

By Tim Peterson Nathan Peterman just threw another pick…

The Peterson Principle: 1/5/15

By Tim Peterson “Boo-yah!” “He was as cool as the other side of the pillow.” “You don’t have to go home but you have to get the heck out of here.”

The Peterson Principle 5/6/13

  It’s tough being a sports fan in Southern California these days. The Lakers and the Clippers finished off disappointing seasons by being bounced in the first round. Both Mike D’Antoni and Vinny Del Negro are in danger of losing their jobs.  

The Peterson Principle 1/7/13

Have you moved off the couch for the last week and a half? If you’re a football fan, and aren’t we all? it’s been heaven with a bowl game nearly every night followed by the start of the NFL playoffs this past weekend.

The TEN: 8/30/2012

(“The Ten” is not a top ten, but ten items worth being included in The TEN)