Tag Archives: Freddie Martinez
“The Mid Valley Classic”: History of the Game: Arroyo vs. Temple City
—First of Three Parts: History of the Game (Tues.), By the Numbers (Weds.), and Stars & Plays (Thurs.)— (What is now called the “Mid Valley Classic” started way back when these schools were young, 1956, and very slowly turned into one of the best opening night features around. What follows is a recap of every […]
Posted in High School Sports
Also tagged "His Arroyo Baldness", Adam Szamet, Alex "Blackjack" Dunn, Andres Ramos, Anthony Miller, Anthony Olivas, Anthony Soliz, Anthony White, Antonio Wagner, Armando Davila, Arroyo High School, Arroyo Knights, Bill Wilson, Bob DAngelis, Bob Hitchcock, Bob Vargo, Brandon Cox, Brian Betts, Brian Partida, Brian Vetrone, Carlos Lopez, Carlos Morrell, Carlos Mota, Chad Larson, Charles Kim, Chris Antonio, Chris Rodriguez, Chuck Alley, Chuck Hiorto, Cruz Alverado, D.J. Hoyt, D.J. MacKinnon, Dale Trock, Dan Mikolasko, Darren MacLellan, Dave Douglas, David Saensook, Desmond Reed, Dominic Salmon, Don Roberts, Don Stockham, Don Swanson, Donny Deltiempo, Dough Feckert, Dwight Broadnax, Eric Britton, Eric Duenas, Eric McMurtrey, Eric Voge, Felipe Rivas, Fly Sweep, Gabe Soumakian, Gabriel Gutierrez, Gary Bronson, Gary Riley, Gianni Bruno-Lopez, Greg Flammang, Greg Flores, Hani Alexander, Herman Wagner, Home of the Camellias, Hunter Duran, Isaiah Taulbeen, James Schneider, Jamil Frazier, Javier Ortiz, Jeff Stubner, Jim Baumgarten, Jim Singiser, Jim Walker, Jim Wetton, Jimmy Brettl, Joe Badero, Joe Phannongwa, Joe Reasner, Joe Westphal, Joey Stewart, John Claypoole, Jon Van Bogart, Jose Martinez, Josh Willard, Justin Sutton, Karam Badawi, Keith MacLellan, Ken Callas, Kenji Morinaga, Kenny Mushinskie, Kenny Smith, Kevin Brown, Kevin Moore, Kevin O'Leary, Larry Mushinskie, Malczynski, Manuel Torres, Mark Lineback, Mark Wright, Matt Malczynski, Matt O'Malley, Matt Vogel, Max Ruckle, Mikal Quintanilla, Mike Amaya, Mike Ayon, Mike DiFiori, Mike McFarland, Mike McKinney, Mike Mooney, Mike Nanko, Mike Sharp, Mike Sotelo, Mike Vasquez, Morgan Hatch, Ned Romero, Nick Drazenovic, Nick Montenegro, Nick Palmer, Nick Tsivgas, Oscar Lopez, Paco Chavez, Paul Beakes, Randy Backus, Raul Ramirez, Rick Todd, Ricky Amaya, Ricky Arredondo, Riley Saxon, Rob Beltran, Robert Ochoa, Robert Thome, Roberto Hern, Russ Ornelas, Ryan Watkins, Sam Dang, Sam Torres, Sergio Leon, Sergio Perez, Shaun Cozart, Steve Bogan, Steven Rivera, Temple City High School, Temple City Rams, Terry Fesler, The Legion of Doom (Reed, The Mid Valley Classic, Tim Luna, Tim Maiorca, Tim Sanderson, Tim Vance, Tommy Bullock, Tommy Duong, Tony Aemmer, Tony Valenzuela, Tsun Tsai, Wagner), Williams Do, Willie Lopez, Willie Reyna, Xavier Lorenz
Fanview Lite: August 20, 2009
“The Across America Edition” Good Morning!