Tag Archives: Bad News Barker
Fanview Lite: July 3, 2012
Kick it! I believe a few apologies are in order…Last Friday I rolled into the Mt. View Alumni football fundraiser. I took pictures, spoke with a few players, and then left before tacos were served.
Fanview Lite: March 20, 2012
Kick it! MaxPreps flipped its switch for football…It must mean the 2012 season has officially begun. If the CIF proposal goes through…I’m ready…Hello Northwest Division…I’ve always been a Fillmore Flash fan…
Fanview Lite: January 19, 2012
Kick it! The best consolation about Matt Koffler resigning as Rosemead HC this past week is defensive coordinator Marc Paramo will most likely to end up with the job.
Fanview Lite: August 18, 2011
Good Afternoon! Safe to say “The U” is caught up in a hurricane these days?
Fanview Lite: August 9, 2010
T-Minus-31 Days until “The Mid Valley Classic” Good Evening!
Mid Valley News/Sports 101 Primer
Since our hit totals have tripled from a year ago, it’s been suggested we bring people up to date on some of the stuff we do. Why certain things have nicknames, what certain phrases mean, plus the games and players we reference. Origins. The fear is, of course, sounding like you are full of yourself…but we […]
Fanview Lite: July 12, 2010
T-Minus-58 Days until “The Mid Valley Classic” Good Afternoon!
Fanview Lite: July 3, 2010
T-Minus-67 Days until “The Mid Valley Classic” Good Afternoon!
Fanview Light: June 26, 2010
T-Minus-74 Days until “The Mid Valley Classic” Good Afternoon!
Fanview Light: June 24, 2010
T-Minus-76 Days until “The Mid Valley Classic” Good Afternoon!